Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (2024)

Disco Elysium is one of the most unorthodox adventure games ever made. In addition to having multiple paths for exploring murder cases and political theories, your choice of items can change how your play. Wear the right coat; you can talk your way through any situation. Put on the fitting pants, and you might be able to make that long jump into the harbor.

While there is no perfect item to acquire in the game to get the best ending or even a secret finish, there are some important ones to remember for the playthrough you’re going for. With this in mind, here are 15 of the best items to get in Disco Elysium and where you can find them.

1. Horrific Necktie


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (1)

As one of the first items in the game, the Horrific Necktie is worth wearing because it’s a character. The necktie will provide loud and colorful commentary if you’re playing a route that favors the Inland Empire. The necktie doubles as a weapon for the Spirit Bomb. You’ll want to keep this tie on for the final words before burning during the tribunal.

Why the Horrific Necktie is Useful:

  • Improves Inland Empire stats.
  • It talks to you throughout the game in the most comical of lines.
  • Forms the Spirit Bomb for the tribunal.

How To Get the Horrific Necktie:

You’ll find the necktie on the ceiling fan in your Whirling-in-Rags hotel room. Turn off the fan and grab it.

Horrific Necktie Stats:

  • +1 Inland Empire: Vivid imagination

2. Spirit Bomb


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (2)

The Spirit Bomb is just a molotov co*cktail, but it’s one of the handiest weapons you’ll wield in the game. You can use it instead of your gun during the tribunal and have a higher chance of wounding the mercenary. It’s worth getting this weapon to improve your odds of saving as many lives as possible during the tribunal.

Why the Spirit Bomb is Useful:

  • Makes for a great weapon.
  • It improves your chances of wounding the mercenary at the tribunal.
  • Leads to a heartfelt farewell from the Horrific Necktie.

How to get the Spirit Bomb:

The Spirit Bomb is formed with a combination of the Blue Medicinal Spirit and Horrific Necktie. You can find the necktie in your Whirling-in-Rags hotel room and the Blue Medicinal Spirit sold by the drunks in the fisherman village.

Spirit Bomb Stats:

  • Improvised explosive

3. Standard Wirrâl Die


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (3)

As one of the good-luck items in the game, the Standard Wirrâl Die is handy for improving your odds. Having this die in your pockets will significantly reduce the difficulty with several tasks. This includes convincing characters easier and improving your odds of finding specific items.

Why the Standard Wirrâl Die is Useful:

  • It makes it easier to establish authority with Titus Hardie.
  • Improves odds of evicting Soona Luukanen-Kilde.
  • It makes it easier to break your smiling expression.
  • Convince Steban easier with your allegiance to communism.
  • Improve odds of finding the Figurine Set Headless FALN Rider.

How to get the Standard Wirrâl Die:

There are two ways to get the dice. You can either find it inside the Wirrâl board game at the bookstore or purchase the dice directly from the dicemaker in the Doomed Commercial Area.

Standard Wirrâl Die Stats:

  • Value: 7.00
  • Reopens White Checks

4. Pinball Maker's Coat


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (4)

If you want to play it cool like a classic detective, you must get the Pinball Maker’s Coat. It has the look and style of an old-school noir-style detective, and the game is aware of this. Once you combine it with the detective hat and read some Dick Mullen crime novel in the game, you’ll have mastered the art of being a detective straight out of an old movie.

Why the Pinball Maker’s Coat is Useful:

  • Solid stats for performing detective talks and feats.
  • It combines well with the detective hat you can get at the bookstore.
  • It unlocks an exceptional detective achievement if worn with the detective hat and having read Dick Mullen.

How to Get the Pinball Maker’s Coat:

You’ll find this coat inside a drawer in the pinball workshop of the Whirling-in-Rags.

Pinball Maker’s Coat Stats:

  • +1 Empathy: M. Nyflox blues
  • +1 Hand/Eye Coordination

5. Eight-Eyed Teratorn Tie


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (5)

The Eight-Eyed Tertorn Tie may look weird, but it will help you out greatly if you’re going for a more psyche-based run. The tie increases your stats for Inland Empire and is one of the few clothing items that turn up your volition. It’s worth wearing for the volition boost alone.

Why the Eight-Eyed Teratorn Tie is Useful:

  • It improves your chances of Inland Empire encounters.
  • Turns up your volition.
  • Ideal for your encounter with the phasmid during the climax.

How to get the Eight-Eyed Teratorn Tie:

After you complete the task of inspecting the field traps, return to the Whirling-in-Rags where Lena and Morell should be. Speak with Lena, and she’ll give you the tie as a reward.

Eight-Eyed Teratorn Tie Stats:

  • +1 Inland Empire: Octuple vision
  • +1 Volition: Cryptid's protection

6. Yellow Gardening Gloves


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (6)

The yellow gardening gloves may not look like much, but they’re one of the best objects in the game. They make it easier to sift through the trash for clues, and they’re great for making an autopsy of the hung corpse. This makes the gloves essential to find the bullet inside the corpse’s head.

Why the Yellow Gardening Gloves are Useful:

  • Essential for making a physical autopsy of the corpse.
  • It can be used to sift through trash.
  • Improves interfacing stats.

How To Get the Yellow Gardening Gloves:

You can get these gloves from the Gardener outside the Whirling-in-Rags at the start of the game.

Yellow Gardening Gloves Stats:

  • +1 Interfacing: Bye-bye, bugs!

7. T-Shirt "Man From Hjelmdall"


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (7)

This shirt of Hjelmdall may look tacky for being a T-shirt trying to tap into a manly myth. That being said, it has some vital stats. While it will decrease your authority significantly for looking so childish, it does turn up your stats for physical instruments and shivers. If you’re lacking in these areas or could use an extra boost during a fascist run, pick this up at the pawnshop and throw it on when you need to open that tricky door or better connect with the city.

Why the T-Shirt "Man From Hjelmdall" is Useful:

  • Cheap and easy to find.
  • Improves your overall physical traits.
  • Leads you closer to the political thoughts of a fascist run.

How To Get the T-Shirt "Man From Hjelmdall":

You’ll find this shirt at the pawnshop. Use your perception to spot it, and you can buy it for only 2.00 real.

T-Shirt "Man From Hjelmdall" Stats:

  • +1 Physical Instrument: Inspiring musculature
  • +1 Shivers: Sprawling saga
  • -2 Authority: Too old for this shirt
  • Value: 2.00

8. Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (8)

Finding various dice can aid in more than just proving how much of a Dungeons & Dragon geek your character can be. Having the Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die can improve your odds with some of the problematic checks, as well as reopen them. It differs from the Standard Wirrâl Die by only being purchasable from the dicemaker.

Why the Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die is Useful:

  • Improves the odds of dancing successfully in the church.
  • An easier time opening the ice cream maker in the Doomed Commercial Area.
  • Improved chance of opening the communist room of the Capeside apartments.
  • More confidence when speaking personally with Klaasje.
  • Better opportunity of speaking with Measurehead in private.

How To Get the Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die:

Purchase the dice directly from the dicemaker in the Doomed Commercial Area.

Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die Stats:

  • Value: 7.00
  • Reopens white checks and reduces their difficulty.

9. Fairweather T-500 Greaves


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (9)

If you want the most rugged boots in the game, you’ll need to invest in the Fairweather armor. It’s scattered throughout the game, but you can find every piece if you look hard enough. The first piece you can see is located on the corpse of the hanged man. If you manage to get them off in private, you can improve your authority twice.

Why the Fairweather T-500 Greaves is Useful:

  • Improve your authority significantly.
  • Unlocks the Fairweather T-500 Vitreous Enamel achievement.
  • Completes the Fairweather ensemble.

How To Get the Fairweather T-500 Greaves:

You need to pull the boots off the corpse without Kim watching. The best way to do this is to store the body in the Doomed Commercial Area. Discover the freezer first, then recommend Kim to keep the body inside the freezer. After Kim leaves, you can pull the boots off the corpse. Clean the Whirling-in-Rags.

Fairweather T-500 Greaves Stats:

  • +2 Authority: Put your foot down
  • -1 Composure: Shoes too big to fill

10. Fairweather T-500 Cuirass


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (10)

To become more powerful, having a beefy bit of chest armor can help you charge forward. The Fairweather T-500 Cuirass is an excellent armor to find and wear. Wearing this armor will make you more powerful, not just in terms of how much pain you can endure but how much mental pain you can handle.

Why the Fairweather T-500 Cuirass is Useful:

  • Increases your pain threshold for more intensive goals.
  • Boosts your volition to handle mental health better.
  • Unlocks the Fairweather T-500 Vitreous Enamel achievement.
  • Completes the Fairweather ensemble.

How To Get the Fairweather T-500 Cuirass:

Get the Yellow-Man Mug from the trash bin. Later, you’ll speak with Gary about owning it and notice the armor under his clothing. Question him about it, and he’ll soon hand it over.

Fairweather T-500 Cuirass Stats:

  • +1 Pain Threshold: Thicker skin
  • +1 Volition: Borrowed confidence
  • -1 Empathy: Mania of invulnerability

11. Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (11)

Keep on going to assemble the entire Fairweather ensemble with the gauntlets. The gauntlets are easier to find once you start getting into this task. Once you find them, they’ll significantly boost your interfacing, which can be handy for opening doors or trying to understand the pale better.

Why the Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets are Useful:

  • Improves interfacing significantly.
  • Unlocks the Fairweather T-500 Vitreous Enamel achievement.
  • Completes the Fairweather ensemble.

How To Get the Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets:

Once you start analyzing the Fairweather armor, talk to Cindy about it. She’ll direct you towards the twins of the fisherman’s village. They’ll then reveal that the gauntlets are hidden under a sandcastle outside their home. Dig up the gauntlets from there.

Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets Stats:

  • +2 Interfacing: Strength in digits

12. Goracy's Brew


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (12)

Here’s one of the most beneficial bugs in the game. Goracy’s Brew seems to have the same effects as beer and wine in the game, but there’s something else that the game doesn’t tell you. Once you drink this brew, the +1 to your physique is permanent. This makes it the most valuable alcohol in the entire game.

Why Goracy’s Brew is Useful:

  • Improves your physique stats.
  • Permanent improvement in the physique.
  • Doesn’t cost you anything compared to other booze.

How to Get Goracy’s Brew:

Speak with Gorący Kubek in the Whirling-in-Rags kitchen about the secret ingredient in the borscht. When you find out the secret ingredient is vodka, tell him to put more in, and he should give you a thermal cup of the brew.

Goracy’s Brew Stats:

  • +1 Physique
  • -1 Morale

13. Speed Saint-Batiste 'PREPTIDE!'


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (13)

If you want drugs that’ll boost you, the “PREPTIDE” speed is the drug of choice. In addition to improving your motorics, as with most drugs, you’ll also get a psyche boost if you have processed the Lonesome Long Way Home thought. This makes the drug exceptionally handy for boosting a variety of stats, unlike any other substance.

Why Speed Saint-Batiste 'PREPTIDE!' is Useful:

  • Increases your motorics.
  • It can increase psyche stats with the Lonesome Long Way Home thought.
  • Easy to find and some of the most potent drugs in the game.

How To Get the Speed Saint-Batiste 'PREPTIDE!':

You can find these drugs inside Klaasje's medicine cabinet at the Whirling-in-Rags.

Speed Saint-Batiste 'PREPTIDE!' Stats:

  • +1 Motorics
  • +1 Psyche (requires the thought Lonesome Long Way Home processed)
  • -1 Morale

14. Prybar


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (14)

If you want to search every nook and cranny of the city for cash and valuables, you’ll need the Prybar. At first, the Prybar is essential for aiding the corpse's autopsy. Keep it equipped, however, and you’ll find that you can break into any locked doors and secret compartments.

Why the Prybar is Useful:

  • Can open apartment doors.
  • You can open the dumpster without the key.
  • It can open several hidden and locked compartments.
  • You can fix the sink in your hotel room.

How To Get the Prybar:

You’ll find the Prybar inside Kim’s Coupris Kineema, its toolbox, and the flashlight.

Prybar Stats:

  • It opens locked containers and doors.

15. Polar Anorak


Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (15)

The Polar Anorak may just seem like a standard coat built for warmth. The truth is that it carries some secret about the city, based on the coat being mysteriously found in a pipe. Once you find the coat, you can wear it as one of the rarer items that will enhance your composure and shiver stats.

Why the Polar Anorak is Useful:

  • One of the few clothing items that improve your composure.
  • Boosts shivers.
  • Has a different look, ideal for snowy settings.

How to get the Polar Anorak:

You can get this item during the shivers orb conversation on the coast when it is snowing. After asking for a secret, search the pipe under the Feld building to find the coat.

Polar Anorak Stats:

  • +1 Composure: Under the polar lights
  • +1 Shivers: Gift from La Revacholiere

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Top 15 Disco Elysium Best Items (And How To Get Them) (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.